
CFPPA – szkoła rolnicza i mleczarska, Melle, Francja

Terres & Paysages training center offers milk processing courses at town Melle in France. They have highly motivated professionals who teach students professional standards in cheesemaking in their educational farm with cheese dairy. The CFPPA courses mostly take place at the school dairy and also at the companies or communities to tailor study content to specific needs. In the educational process, they use Plevnik cheese kettle SKH 300 EL Advanced+ with a controller MC 500 R, which students are very interested in, because of all of the possibilities the controller can provide (recipes, timing, temperatures, recording …).

Klient:CFPPA - agriculture and dairy school,


Maszyny:Kotły serowe SKH 50–1500 l

Produkt końcowy:

Objętość:300 l


Maszyny użyte w tym projekcie