
Add value to whey

Every day large quantities of whey are thrown away. Sometimes whey is sprayed over hay fields as a fertilizer or used as a food for livestock. But we invite you to be more innovative and add more value to it. As ingredient, it is used for protein powders and other nutritional supplement for sportsmen, especially bodybuilders. If you have larger quantities of whey, we suggest to produce whey cheeses, such as ricotta or even whey butter. Whey can be used as cheap filler in ice cream production or as an additive in different processed food, including breads and crackers. It is a flour conditioner and can substitute skim milk in most recipes that require milk.

Different kinds of healthy drinks can be produced. Try to make it this way:

  • take 1 litre of clean and clear whey with pleasant smell and taste,
  • add 10-20% of water,
  • 1-2g of citric acid,
  • 5-15g of sugar and
  • 2-5% of fruit juice or concentrate.

Heat it for 20-30 minutes at 65-67°C and stir it all the time. Fill hot in bottles or cups. If needed, storage it for few days at 2-6°C.

Also, all kinds of smoothies with fruit, vegetable and herbs can be made, too. For example:

  • take 1-2 dl of whey and
  • 1 pot of strawberries or blueberries,

mix it in smoothie maker and offer to your customers.

Don’t throw away your whey – try to sell it. Save the nature and make some extra profit from this healthy by-product!

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