Cheese cutting device RS

Cheese cutting device RS enables quick and precise cutting of different sizes, shapes and hardness levels of semi-hard and hard cheeses. The pieces are identical – they have the same size and weight. It is a less physically stressful and more accurate solution compared to manual cutting. The same device can be used for round and rectangular cheeses, only the base, and knives are to be replaced in a quick and simple way.


Completely safe and intuitive use
Identical pieces
NEW rectangular shaped knifes
One device for round and rectangular cheeses
Fast cutting
Simple maintenance and cleaning
Quick, simple and precise cutting of round and rectangular cheese

Completely safe and intuitive use

Only three buttons are required to operate the device: one for lifting the blade and two safety buttons for cutting. The only thing needed for operation is connection to the compressed air supply.


Identical pieces

Different options for cutting blades are available – from 2 to 20 pieces or more (by demand). Replacement of the cutting set is simple.


NEW rectangular shaped knifes

Diverse rectangular cheeses such as cheddar, tulum, mozzarella, gouda, edam, camembert, swiss cheeses and other can be cut. They can be maturated for up to six months. Cheese can be up to 210 mm high. Each piece can be 30mm wide and up to 150 mm long.


One device for round and rectangular cheeses

The same device can be used for round and rectangular cheeses, only the base, and knives are to be replaced in a quick and simple way.


Fast cutting

Cutting is done in two seconds. It is up to seven times faster than manual cutting, is not physically stressful and results in identical pieces.


Simple maintenance and cleaning

Cheese cutting device is made from high-quality stainless steel, which enables easy cleaning and simple maintenance of the device, as well as long lifespan.

Additional Equipment

Different round cutting knives

Different round cutting knives are available to cut the cheese in 2–20 pieces (or other shapes by demand). The knife for 2 or 4 pieces is adjustable – one blade is detachable.

Different rectangular cutting knives

Different rectangular cutting knives are available for cheese cutting. Cheese can be up to 210 mm high. Each piece can be 30mm wide and up to 150 mm long. Knives can be replaced in a quick and simple way.

Technical Information

More information about dimensions and largest cheese diameter.

More information


Plevnik cheese cutting device RS

Simple and quick cutting of cheese into equal pieces with Plevnik cheese cutting device RS.

Cheese cutting device RS
Cutting of cheese into 20 piecs


Recomended devices for complete dairy process: